lunes, agosto 18

Message from the Director

Dear Friends,

Greetings from the beautiful town of San German and San German Christian Academy. It is a pleasure for me to speak to you through the Internet.

SGCA is beginning its 10th year of teaching young people in the Southwest area of Puerto Rico. We are a Church-School using the Accelerated Christian Education School of Tomorrow Curriculum de Lewisville Texas. We are one of 100 Church-Schools around the Island of Puerto Rico. We want to teach the children academically, but much more so we want to teach them about the love and salvation of God through Jesus Christ, His Son. When they and their families accept Christ as their Savior, everyone is changed.

I appreciate your interest in our school and we are here to help you.

Estimados Hermanos y Amigos,

Saludos del bello pueblo de San Germán, y San Germán Christian Academy. Para mi es un placer hablarles a través del Internet.

SGCA está comenzando su 10mo año de enseñar a los jóvenes en el área suroeste de PR. Somos una Iglesia-Escuela usando el currículo de Educación Cristiana Acelerada Escuela del Futuro de Lewisville, Texas. Somos una de 100 Escuela-Iglesias alrededor de la Isla de Puerto Rico. Queremos enseñarlos académicamente, pero, mucho más de eso queremos enseñarles del amor y salvación de Dios, por Jesucristo, su Hijo. Cuando ellos y sus familiares aceptan a Cristo, toda la familia será cambiada.

Agradezco su interés en nuestra escuela y siempre estamos para servirles.

Carolyn Sanders,

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